In the heat of the 18th General Elections, the Indian National Congress launched a cricket-themed advertisement that criticizes the Bharatiya Janata Party's (BJP) tactics. The ad cleverly uses cricket as a metaphor, showing BJP leaders as players who manipulate the game to their advantage.

Scenes from the Ad:

The advertisement unfolds during a cricket match where two batsmen, symbolizing BJP leaders, attempt to score under dubious circumstances. The opposing team, representing Congress, catches the ball, signalling a win. However, an authority figure hinted to be from the 'Extortion Department' (a jab at the Enforcement Directorate), intervenes, causing the catcher to drop the ball and the umpire to rule in the batsman's favour.

Reactions and Strategy:

This scene illustrates the ad's message about the BJP allegedly using power to tilt electoral results their way. The ad ends with the corrupt team receiving a large sum from a fictional bank, emphasising the theme of monetary influence in politics.

Social Media and Promotions:

Beyond this ad, Congress has been active across various digital platforms, from Google to Instagram, investing significantly in online campaigns to engage with the electorate, especially younger voters.

Celebrity Endorsements:

The strategy includes collaborations with popular figures like Puneet Kumar, known as Puneet Superstar on social media, who publicly endorsed Congress, further attracting voter attention during the campaign period.

Election Spending and Timings

The Congress party's spending spiked during the election months, showcasing a strategic increase in campaign investments to maximise impact.

Election Schedule

With the Lok Sabha elections scheduled over several weeks, both parties ramped up their advertising efforts, aiming to sway public opinion before the final votes are cast and counted.